This year we are doing Valentine's Day cards. There are two cards you can choose from or mix and match. You can order as many as you like and personalize them! We will email the card and share a video on FB on Valentines Day!
$25 per card
You will have a choice of animal and two types of cards.
Is a Big Brown Bat and will eat a mealworm named after your ex or whoever you want. Revenge is best served as a bug fed to a wild animal.
Feed Betsy a mealworm in honor of a friend. What better way to support a cause and honor your friends.
Payment and order are separate; please pay using the Pay Now button below and fill out the "Email Us form" so we know how many cards and emails of the recipients. Now you can feed a mealworm to Sonic the Hedgehog, Sugar the sugar glider, Fred the wood turtle or feed a cockroach to Petunia the skunk or Opal the opossum. Proceeds go toward the care of injured or orphaned wild animals.
After making your payment, Please send us your information in the form below.
Centre Wildlife Care
156 Natural Way
Port Matilda, PA 16870
For best results when using GPS type in
"Centre Wildlife Care"